Thursday 26 July 2018

binre code

I use binre code to make my name here is 2 pilser of binre code

Image result for binary code alphabet for kid

Wednesday 25 July 2018

writing goals

End of Term 3 goal:
My new writing goal is to add details to support my ideas so the audience are interested and get a better picture .

Term 3
My new writing goal is to use more punctuation in my writing to make it more interesting.

See my speech above to check if I am or not.

Term 4
I am still going to do punctuation because I only know how to use . , ?  so I need to learn how to use   ' " [] {} ; : ! & 

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Reading goals

My new reading is by the end term 3 I will know how to work out new words and what they mean

I am stull going with vocabulary because so i know more would to my vocabulary

Monday 23 July 2018

Wirteing goals

wirteing,goals,  here is a exsampall
I wish all my wirteing are like my wirteing goal is to start wiff diffrint wolds